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Rabies Challenge Fund Hemopet/Dr. Dodds Dr. Tsugawa - Veterinary Dentist About Vaccines and Vaccination Programs
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Clicker Training for Obedience Click Your Way to Rally Obedience Doodle by Design - Rally E-Book
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Rally Obedience
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Dog Gear
J & J Dog Supplies My favorite crate brand - PetGear Earthbath Shampoo

Meet the Rally Obedience Addict!

Sadly I had to help my competition partner, Mordanna's Quigley, a Jack Russell Terrier, to the Rainbow Bridge on 01/03/2012.

Mordanna's Quigley - Rally Terrier Extraordinaire!

I adopted Quigley from the L.A. West Valley shelter in January 2002 and the two of us started competing in Rally Obedience in June 2006. We have shared lots of adventures inside and outside the ring since then, and I miss him terribly.

Personally I don't see Rally as a "stepping stone" to Obedience, but rather as a sport worthy to stand on its own merits. It has helped us on our journey to earning the CD and U-CD titles, but that was more of a pleasant side effect than purpose in itself and reaching those milestones certainly didn't make me stop competing in Rally.

In the grand scheme of competitive dog sports, we weren't a super high precision team, but we had lots of fun and for the most part Quigley's performances were very consistent. In 2010 he ranked #1 Parson Russell Terrier in the Front & Finish Rally Combined Ratings and according to my record keeping it looks like he might have achieved this feat once again for 2011, but I won't know for sure until the magazine publishes the official reports.

A pic of yours truly

Recent Stuff    

AKC - Rally
Completed the RAE5 title at Los Encinos Kennel Club on 12/17/11
ASCA - Rally
Completed the Rally Novice C title with an average of 195 points at Hi Desert ASC on 10/30/11
AKC - Obedience
Completed Graduate Novice title with 190 points/1st place at Obedience Club of San Diego County on 10/16/11
APDT - Rally
Completed RL3 title at Just Rewards on 10/08/11
ASCA - Rally
Completed the RA title at Joshua Tree ASC on 09/24/11
AKC - Rally
Quigley is ranked as #1 Parson Russell Terrier in the Front & Finish 2010 Rally Combined Rating Report published in August 2011
APDT - Rally
Completed RL2 and RLV (with Certificate of Excellence) at Just Rewards on 05/07/11
UKC - Rally
Earned URX legs number 11 and 12 at ABOCI San Diego 04/09/11
Website created and maintained by Sabine Contreras, © 2004-2012